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London, 10th june 1959, Highly important french eighteenth century drawings and paintings



London, Sotheby’s Annual Review 1961 – 1962



London, 10 july 1974, Important old master paintings

London, 11 december 1974, Important old master paintings



London, 10th december 1975, Important old master paintings and drawings 

London, 10th december 1975, Fine old master paintings  



Firenze, 22-23 ottobre 1976, Dipinti antichi e dipinti del secolo XIX e XX

London, 27th october 1976, Fine old master paintings 

London, 8th december 1976, Important old master paintings 



London, 23rd march 1977, Fine seventeeth, eighteenth and nineteenth century british paintings

Firenze, 9-16 maggio 1977, Palazzo Serristori. Vendita comprendente importanti dipinti antichi, dipinti del secolo XIX, mobili e oggetti di arredamento, argenti, ceramiche europee ed orientali, importanti oggetti d’arte, armi antiche

London, 25th – 26th may 1977, Mentmore. Volume four. Catalogue of paintings, prints and drawings. Sold on behalf of the Executors of the 6th Earl of Rosebery and his family

New York, 16th june 1977, Important old master paintings

London, 13th july 1977, Important old master paintings 

London, 27th july 1977, Old master paintings 

London, 19th october 1977, Fine old master paintings

London, 14th december 1977, Fine old master paintings

London, 14th december 1977, Important old master paintings



London, 18th january 1978, Old master paintings

London, 8th february 1978, Fine old master paintings 

London, 12th july 1978, Fine old master paintings 

London, 12th july 1978, Important old master paintings 

Firenze, 14 novembre 1978, Stampe, disegni e dipinti antichi 

London, 13th december 1978, Fine old master paintings 

London, 13th december 1978, Important old master paintings



London, 28th march 1979, Fine old master paintings

Firenze, 23 maggio 1979, Stampe, disegni e importanti dipinti antichi 

London, 23rd may 1979, Fine old master paintings

London, 11th july 1979, Fine old master paintings

London, 26th september 1979, Old master paintings

London, 31st october 1979, Fine old master paintings

London, 12th december 1979, Fine old master paintings 



New York, 9th january 1980, Important old master paintings and drawings

London, 20 february 1980, Fine old master paintings

London, 16 april 1980, Important old master paintings 

London, 16th april 1980, Fine old master paintings 

London, 11th june 1980, Fine old master paintings

London, 4th july 1980, Fine old master paintings 

London, 16th july 1980, Fine old master paintings

London, 16 july 1980, Important old master paintings

London, 29th october 1980, Fine old master paintings 

New York, 20 november 1980, Old master paintings 

Firenze, 25 novembre 1980, Importanti dipinti antichi

New York, 6 december 1980, Old master paintings and drawings

London, 10th december 1980, Fine old master paintings

London, 10 december 1980, Important old master paintings



New York, 8 january 1981, Important old master paintings

New York, 8 january 1981, Old master paintings from the collection of Mr. And Mrs. J.Seward Johnson 

Firenze, 28 gennaio 1981, Dipinti del secolo XIX e dipinti antichi

New York, 19 march 1981, Madison Avenue Galleries: Old Master paintings

London, 8th april 1981, Important old master paintings

London, 15th april 1981, Fine old master paintings and eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century british paintings

Firenze, 13 maggio 1981, Stampe, disegni, dipinti antichi

London, 8th july 1981, Fine old master paintings 

New York, 8th july 1981, Fine old master paintings 

New York, 14 july 1981, Old master paintings 

Firenze, 20 novembre 1981, Stampe, disegni, dipinti antichi 



London, 17th february 1982, , Fine old master paintings and seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth  century british paintings

London, 7 april 1982, Fine old master paintings

London, 21 april 1982, Important old master paintings

New York, 23 june 1982, Important old master paintings 

London, 20th october 1982, Old master paintings and seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth  century british paintings

Firenze, 14 dicembre 1982, Stampe, disegni, dipinti antichi e del secolo XIX



Firenze, 24 maggio 1983, Dipinti del sec.XIX, stampe, disegni e dipinti antichi 

Monte-Carlo, 26 juin 1983, Tableaux Ancien et du début du XIXe siècle

Firenze, 29 settembre 1983, Importanti dipinti antichi 

London, 12th october 1983, Old master paintings



New York, 19 january 1984, Important old master paintings 

London, 3rd april 1984, A collection of Thirty Gothic Wood Carvings and Eleven Old Master Paintings

London, 4th april 1984, Old master paintings

London, 24th october 1984, Old master paintings and british paintings 

Firenze, 18-20 dicembre 1984, Disegni, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX., Tappeti, Mobili, Ceramica, Oggetti d’Arte e Argenti



Firenze, 25-26 marzo 1985, Stampe, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Ceramica, Oggetti d’Arte, Tappeti e Mobili

Firenze, 27-29 maggio 1985, Disegni, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Maiolica e Porcellana, Argenti, Oggetti Preziosi e Gioielli 

London, 1st-2st July 1985, Old master paintings

Firenze, 24-25 settembre 1985, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Tappeti, Ceramica, Mobili e Oggetti d’Arte



Firenze, 14 aprile 1986, Disegni, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Tappeti, Ceramica, Argenti, Mobili e Oggetti d’Arte



Firenze, 18 maggio 1987, Disegni, Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Mobili, Oggetti d’Arte, Tappeti, Argenti e Ceramiche

London, 27th 1987, Old master paintings and british paintings 1500-1850

Firenze, 23 settembre 1987, Importanti Dipinti Antichi e del Sec. XIX, Tappeti, Mobili, Oggetti d’Arte, Ceramiche, Argenti e Gioielli ( asta n. SN )



New York, 14 january 1988, Importan old master paintings

New York, 7 april 1988, Old master paintings (Sale N. 5695)

Firenze, 23 maggio 1988, Importanti Argenti, Ceramiche, Tappeti, Mobili, Orologi, Oggetti d’Arte, Disegni Antichi e del Sec. XIX

London, 26th october 1988, Old master paintings and British Paintings 1500-1850



London, 5th july 1989, Old master paintings

New York, 12 july 1989, Old master and 19th century European paintings and drawings

London, 18th october 1989, Old master paintings and British Paintings 1500-1850

Monaco, vendredi ier decembre 1989, Tableaux et Dessins Anciens

London, 6th december 1989, Higly Important Old Master and British Paintings

London, 6th december 1989, Old master paintings I



New York, 11 january 1990, Old master paintings 

Firenze, 26 marzo 1990, Orologi, Gioielli, Tappeti, Mobili, Dipinti Antichi e del Secolo XIX, Arredi Impero da un Palazzo di Lucca

London, 11 april 1990, Old Master Paintings

Amsterdam, 22nd may 1990, Old master paintings 

New York, 22 may 1990, Important old master paintings

Firenze, 28 maggio 1990, Importanti Dipinti e Disegni Antichi

New York, 1 june 1990, Old master paintings 

London, 31st october 1990, Old master paintings and British paintings 1500-1585 

Amsterdam, 14th november 1990, Old master paintings 

Firenze, 3 dicembre 1990, Importanti Dipinti e Disegni Antichi 



New York, 11 april 1991, Old master paintings 

New York, 30 may 1991, Old master paintings 

Monaco, 21 juin 1991, Tableaux Anciens de la Collection Peyriague

Monaco, 21-22 juin 1991, Importants Tableaux Anciens et du XIXe Siècle



New York, 17 january 1992, Important old master paintings

Amsterdam, 12th may 1992, Old master paintings

Milano, 18 maggio 1992, Dipinti e Disegni del Sec. XIX 

Amsterdam, 11th novembre 1992, Old master paintings 



New York, 20 may 1993, Important old master paintings

Monaco, 2 juillet 1993, Important Tableaux Ancien set du XIXe Siècle

London, 7th july 1993, Old master paintings 

Milano, 4-5 ottobre 1993, Mobili, Dipinti Antichi e del XIX Secolo, Ceramiche, Oggetti d’Arte e Tappeti

New York, 8 october 1993, Old master paintings

London, 27th october 1993, Old master paintings



Milano, 19-20 aprile 1994, Gioielli, Argenti, Mobili, Avori, Ceramiche, Micromosaici, Dipinti Antichi e del XIX Secolo 

London, 20th april 1994, Old master paintings

Amsterdam, 10th may 1994, Old master paintings ( Sale N. 595)

New York, 7 october 1994, Old master paintings

London, 26th october 1994, Old master paintings

Amsterdam, 16th november 1994, Old master paintings (Sale N. 607)

London, 7th december 1994, Old master paintings

London, 7th december 1994, Old master paintings



New York, 12 january 1995, Important old master paintings

London, 12 January 1995, Important Old Master Paintings. The Property of the New-York Historical Society (Sale 6653)

London, 5th April 1995, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN5201)

London, 24 April 1995, Old Master Paintings (Sale 1502)

London, 18th October 1995, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN5628)

Amsterdam, 14th November 1995, Old Master Paintings (Sale AM0630)

London, 6th December 1995, Old Master Paintings. From the Drury Lowe Collection at Locko Park (Sale LN5724)

London, 6th December 1995, Old Master Paintings and Works of Art. The Bentinck-Thyssen Collection (Sale LN5724)

London, 6th December 1995, Old Master Paintings. Including Pictures from the Drury Lowe Collection at Locko Park (Sale LN5724)



London, 17 January 1996, Courtiers and Connoisseurs: Old Master and 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture (Sale 1525)

London, 3rd April, 1996, British Paintings 1500-1850 (Sale LN6200)

London, 17th April 1996, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN6226)

London, 3 July 1996, Old Master Paintings. Including Pictures from the Fattorini Collection and Pictures from the Collection formed by the British Rail Pension Fund (Sale LN6391)

New York, 3 October 1996 Old Master Paintings (Sale 6889)

London, 30 October 1996, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN6612)

Amsterdam, 12 November 1996, Old Master Paintings (Sale AMO656)

London, 11 December 1996, Old Master Paintings. Including Pictures from the Gutzwiller and Burgenstock Collections (Sale LN6735)



New York, 30 January 1997, Important Old Master Paintings (Sale 6944)

London, 16 April 1997, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN7233)

Amsterdam, 6 May 1997, Old Master Paintings (Sale AM0669)

New York, 22 May 1997, Old Master Paintings (Sale 6991) 

London, 3 July 1997, Old Master Paintings (Sale LN7406)

Amsterdam, 11 November 1997, Old Master Paintings (Sale AM0682)

London, 3 December 1997, The Henle Collection. Old Master Paintings (Sale L7745A)

London, 3 and 4 December 1997, Old Master Paintings including the Henle Collection (Sale LN7745)



New York, 30 January 1998, Important Old Master Paintings (Sale 7095)

Amsterdam, 6 May 1998, Old Master Paintings (Sale AM0696)

New York, 21 May 1998, Old Master Paintings (Sale 7136)

Milano, 8-9 giugno 1998, Mobili, Arredi, Ceramich, Argenti e Dipinti Antichi (asta MI142)



New York, 28 January 1999, Important Old Master Paintings (Sale 7261)

New York, 28 may 1999, Important old master paintings (sale 7313)

London, 7 july 1999, Old master paintings (sale L03937)

New York, 14 october 1999, Old master paintings (sale 7345)

Milano, 14 dicembre 1999, Dipinti del Secolo XIX (asta MI164)

London, 16 dicembre 1999, Old master paintings (L09163)



Milano, 29 febbraio 2000, La collezione Colasanti-Moore (asta MI166)

London, 18 april 2000, Old master paintings (sale L00160)

Amsterdam, 8 may 2000, Old master paintings (sale AM0764)

Milano, 7 giugno 2000, Dipinti antichi (asta MI170)

London, 6 july 2000, Old master paintings part I (L00161)

London, 6 july 2000, Old master paintings part II (L00162)

Milano, 4 ottobre 2000, Arredi, dipinti e vedute da “Villa Lontana” (asta MI174)

London, 2 november 2000, Old master paintings (L00163)

Milano, 28 novembre 2000, Dipinti antichi (asta MI176)

London, 14 december 2000, Old master paintings part I (sale L00164)

London, 14 december 2000, Old master paintings part II (L00165)



New York, 25 january 2001, Arts of the Renaissance (sale 7600 vol 1)

New York, 25 january 2001, Important old master paintings (sale 76 vol 2)

London, 26 april 2001, Old master paintings (sale L01120)

Amsterdam, 8 may 2001, Old master paintings and frames (sale AM0805)

Milano, 12 giugno 2001, Dipinti antichi (asta MI187)

London, 12 july 2001, Old master paintings part I (sale L01121)

London, 12 july 2001, Old master paintings part II (sale L01122)

Amsterdam, 16-17 october 2001, Of royal and noble descent (sale AM0820)

Olympia London, 30 october 2001, Old master and early british paintings (sale W01403)

London, 1 november 2001, Old master paintings (sale L01123)

Amsterdam, 6 november 2001, Old master paintings (sale AM0823)

Milano, 4 dicembre 2001, Dipinti antichi (asta MI192)

Olympia London, 10 december 2011, Old master paintings (sale W01408)

London, 13 december 2001, Old master painting. Part one (sale L01124)



New York, 24 january 2002, Important old master paintings (sale N07759)

New York, 24 january 2002, Property of a private collector sold without reserve (sale N07759)

New York, 24 january 2002, Revolution in art (sale N07759)

London, 18 april 2002, Old master paintings (sale L02110)

Amsterdam, 14 may 2002, Old master paintings (sale AM0845)

Olympia London , 16 april 2002, Old master and early british paintings (sale W02803)

Milano, 11 giugno 2002, Dipinti antichi (asta MI201)

Paris, 27 juin 2002, Tableaux et dessins ancien set du XIX Siècle (PF2010)

Olympia London, 9 july 2002, Old master paintings (sale W02807)

London, 10 july 2002, Old master paintings  part one (sale L02111)

London, 11 july 2002, Old master paintings part II (sale L02112)

Olympia London, 31 october 2002, Old master paintings (sale W02971)

Amsterdam, 5 november 2002, Old master paintings (sale AM0862)

Amsterdam, 5 november 2002, Old master paintings (sale AM0875)

Milano, 3 dicembre 2002, Dipinti antichi (asta MI206)

Olympia London, 10 december 2002, Old master paintings (sale W02813)

London, 12 december 2002, Old master paintings (sale L02114)

London, 16 december 2002, An informed eye. The Charles and Barbara Robertson Collection (sale L02988)



New York, 23 january 2003, Old master paintings (sale N07871)

Amsterdam, 18-19 february 2003, Of royal and noble descent (sale AM0877)

Milano, 5 marzo 2003, La collezione di Maria Antonia Gianetti (asta MI210)

Olympia London, 8 april 2003, Old master paintings (sale W03705)

London, 10 aprile 2003, Old master paintings (sale L03030)

Amsterdam, 13 may 2003, Old master paintings (sale AM0885)

Milano, 4 giugno 2003, Dipinti antichi (asta MI214)

Paris, 25 juin 2003, Tableaux et dessins et du XIXe Siècle (PF3007)

Olympia London, 8 july 2003, Old master paintings (sale W03709)

London, 10 july 2003, Old master paintings part one (sale L03031) 

London, 10 july 2003, Old master paintings part two (sale L03032)

Amsterdam, 4 november 2003, Old master paintings (sale AM0902)

Milano, 12-13 novembre 2003, Una importante collezione romana (asta MI124)

Milano, 2 dicembre 2003, Dipinti antichi (asta MI220)

Olympia London, 9 december 2003, Old master paintings (sale W03719)

London, 11 december 2003, Old master paintings (sale L03033)



New York, 22 january 2004, Important old master paintings (sale N07965)

New York, 22 january 2004, Old master paintings (sale N07965)

Roma, 18 maggio 2004, Da una dimora di Piazza Farnese (asta MI239)

Amsterdam, 18 may 2004, Old master paintings (sale AM0923)

New York,27 may 2004 , Old master paintings (sale N08002)

Milano, 1 giugno 2004, Dipinti antichi (asta MI229)

Paris, 23 juin 2004, Tableaux et dessins ancien set du XIX Siècle (sale PF4010)

London, 7 july 2004, Old master paintings part one (sale L04031)

Olympia London, 28 october 2004, Old master paintings (sale W04716)

Amsterdam, 2 november 2004, Old master paintings (sale AM0941)

Milano, 30 novembre 2004, Dipinti antichi (asta MI235)

London, 9 december 2004, Spanish old master paintings (sale L04625)



New York, 27 january 2005, Important old master paintings (sale N08061)

New York, 26 may 2005, Old master paintings (sale N08102)

Milano, 1 giugno 2005, Dipinti antichi (asta MI243)

London, 7 july 2005, Masterpieces of view painting 

Olympia London, 5 july 2005, Old master paintings (sale W05717)

London, 5 july 2005, The Wills sale (sale L05035)

London, 7 july 2005, Old master paintings day sale (sale L05032)

London, 7 july 2005, Old master paintings evening sale (sale L05031)

Hanover, 5-15 october 2005, Works of art from the royal house of Hanover (sale MM0986)

Paris, 20 jeudi 2005, Tableaux et dessins ancien et du XIX Siècle (sale PF5011)

Olympia London, 1 november 2005, Old master paintings (sale W05718)

Amsterdam, 15november 2005, Old master paintings (sale AM0973/AM974)

Milano, 29 novembre 2005, Dipinti antichi (asta MI249)

Olympia London, 6 december 2005, Old master paintings (sale W05719)

London, 7 december 2005, Old master paintings evening sale (sale L05033)

London, 8 december 2005, Old master paintings: day sale (sale L05034)

Paris, 9 decembre 2005, Collection de M. Ghislain Prouvost (sale PF5029)



New York, 25 january 2007, The Otto Naumann LTD. Gallery Sale (sale N08284)

New York, 26 january 2006, Important old master paintings (sale N08162)

New York, 26 january 2006, The Dealer’s Eye (sale N08163)

New York, 27 January 2006,  Old master paintings (sale N08162)

London, 3 march 2006, A private european residence (sale L06314)

Olympia London,25 april 2006, Old master paintings (sale W06717)

London, 27 april 2006, Old master paintings (sale L06030)

Amsterdam, 9 may 2006, Old master paintings (sale AM00997)

Milano, 30 maggio 2006, Importanti dipinti antichi (asta MI259)

Paris, 19 juin 2006, Tableaux et dessins ancien et du XIX Siècle (sale PF6010)

Olympia London, 4 july 2006, Old master paintings (sale W06718)

London, 5 july 2006, Old master paintings/evening (sale L06031)

London, 6 july 2006, Old Master Paintings/ Day (sale n.L06032)

Sufflok, 19-21 september 2006, Shrubland Park (sale n.L06501)

Milano, 18 ottobre 2006, Dalle Collezioni di una signora romana (asta n.MI265)

Olympia London, 18 october 2006, Old Master Paintings (sale n.MI265)

Amsterdam,  14 November, Old Master Paintings (sale n.AM01013)

Milano,  28 Novembre 2006 , Dipinti Antichi (sale n.MI266)

Olympia London, 5 December 2006, Old Master Paintings (sale n. W06720

London, 6 December 2006, Old Master Paintings/ Evening (sale n. L06033)

London, 7 December 2006, Old Master Paintings/ Day (sale n. L06034)



New York, 25 January 2007, Important Old Master Paintings volume I  (sale n. N08282)

New York, 26 January  2007, Old Master Paintings volume II (sale n. N08282)

Amsterdam, 2007-03-27.28.29, n.AM1020, an Important Private Collection from Hanover (sale n. L06034)

Paris , 29   mars 2007, L’Appartement d’Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios (sale n. PF7024)

Olympia London, 24 April 2007, Old Master Paintings (sale n. W07725)

London, 26 April  2007, Old Master Paintings (sale n. L07030)

Amsterdam,  8 may 2007, Old Master Paintings  (sale n. AM1027)

Milano, 29 may 2007, Dipinti Antichi (sale n. MI275)

New York, 8 june 2007, Important Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08321)

Olympia London, 3 july 2007, Old Master Paintings (sale n. W07726)

London, 4 july 2007, Old Master Paintings / Evening, including important turner watercolours from the guy and Myriam Ullens collection (sale n. L07031-L07172)

London, 5 july 2007, Old Master Paintings/ Day (sale n. L07032)

London, 1 november  2007, Old Master Paintings (sale n.L07727)

Firenze, 6 novembre 2007, Importanti dipinti, oggetti d’arte ed arredi già dale collezioni di Palazzo Serristori Firenze (asta MI280)

Amsterdam, 13 November 2007, n.AM1032, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1032)

Milano, 20 November 2007,  DipintiAntichi (sale n. MI282)

London,  5 december 2007, Old Master Paintings/ Evening (sale n. L07033)

London,  5 december 2007, Old Master Paintings from the London Residence of Dimitri Mavrommatis (sale n. L07033A)

London,  5 december 2007, Old Master Paintings from the Collection of G.A. Spare (1746-1794) (sale n. L07033B)

London,  6 december 2007, Old Master Paintings/ Day (sale n. L07034)

Amsterdam,  17.18 december 2007, Robert e Angelique Northman  Collection  (sale n. AM1037)



New York,  24 January 2008, Important Old Master Paintings and Sculpture  (sale n. N08404)

Nw York,  24.25 January 2008, Old Master Paintings I Including European Works of Art (sale n. N08404)

London, 12 February 2008, Old Master Paintings (sale n. L08030)

London, 24 April 2008, Old Master Paintings Part I (sale n. L08031)

London, 24 April 2008, Old Master Paintings Part II (sale n. L08031A)

Amsterdam,  7 may 2008, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1051)

Milano, 20 may 2008, DipintiAntichi (sale n. MI292)

New York, 5 june 2008, Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08453)

Paris,  18 june 2008, Le Gout d’un Amateur I Mobilier, Tableaux, Sculptures et Objets d’Art (sale n. PF8028)

Paris,  25 june 20082008-06-25, n.PF8011, Tableaux et DessinAnciens (sale n.)

London, 9 july 2008, Master Paintings from theWetzlar Collection (sale n. L08033B)

London, 9 july 2008, Master Paintings from the Rau Collection (sale n. L08033A)

London, 9 july 2008, Old Master Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. L08033)

London, 10 july 2008, Old Master Paintings I Day Sale (sale n. L08034) 

London, 30 October  2008, Old Master & Early British Paintings (sale n. L08035)


Amsterdam, 11 november  2008, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1057)

Milano,  17 november 2008, Dipinti Antichi (sale n. MI0296)

London, 3 december 2008-12-03, K the Luigi KoellikerStudiolo (sale n. L08315)

London, 3 december 2008, Old Master Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. L08036)

London, 4 december 2008, Old Master Paintings I Day Sale (sale n. L08037)



New York, 29 january 2009, Important Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08516)

New York,  29.30 january 2009, Old Master Paintings and Sculpure (sale n. N08516)

Milano, 23 Giugno 2009, , dal Piano Nobiledi Palazzo Contarinidi Corfu Scamozzi, Venezia (asta n. MI0306)

London, 22 april 2009, Old Master & Early British Paintings (sale n. L09631)

Amsterdam, 5 may 2009, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1074)

New York, 4 june 2009, Old Master Paintings, European Sculpture & Antiquities (sale n. N08560)

Milano, 9.10 june 2009, ImportantiDipintiAntichi, Dipinti del Secolo XIX, Arredi, Maioliche e Libri Antichi (sale n. MI0299)

Milano, 23 giugno 2009, Dal piano nobile di Palazzo Contarini di Corfù Scamozzi, Venezia (asta MI0306

Paris, 24 june 2009, Tableaux et Dessins Anciens et du XIX Siecle (sale n. PF9011)

London, 8 july 2009, Old Master Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. L09633)

London,  8 july 2009, the Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection (sale n. L09638)

London, 9 july 2009, the Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection Day Sale (sale n. L09639)

London, 9 july  2009, Old Master Paintings I Day Sale (sale n. L09634)

Firenze,  12-15 October 2009, Salvatore e Francesco Romano Antiquari a Firenze Volume I (sale n. MI0294)

Firenze, 12-15 October 2009, Salvatore e Francesco Romano Antiquari a Firenze Volume II (sale n. MI0294)

Firenze,  12-15 October 2009, Salvatore e Francesco Romano Antiquari a Firenze Volume III (sale n. MI0294)

Firenze, 12-15 October 2009, Salvatore e Francesco Romano Antiquari a Firenze Volume IV (sale n. MI0294)

London, 29 October 2009, Old Master&Early British Paintings (sale n. L09635)

Amsterdam, 1 december 2009, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1085)

London, 9 december 2009, Old Master & British Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. L09636) 

London, 10 dicembre 2009, Old Master & British Paintings ( sale n. LO9637 )

Milano, 15 december 2009, DipintiAntichi, Dipinti del secolo XIX, Arredi e Maioliche (sale n. MI0305)



New York, 28 january 2010, Important Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08610)

New York, 28 january 2010, Important Old Master Paintings and Sculptures (sale n. N08610)

London, 29 april 2010, Old Master & British Paintings (sale n. L10030)

Amsterdam,  18 may 2010, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1090)

New York, 3 june 2010, Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08645)

Milano,8 june 2010, ImportantiDipintiAntichi (sale n. MI0309)

Milano, 8 june 2010, ImportantiDipintiAntichi (sale n. MI0309)

Paris,  22 june 2010, Tableaux et DessinsAnciens et du XIX siècle (sale n. PF1019)

London, 6 july 2010, The Splendour of Venice (sale n.)

London, 7 july 2010, Old Master & British Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. 10033)

London, 8 july 2010, Old Master & British Paintings I Day Sale (sale n. 10034)

Milano, 16 November  2010, Dipinti Antichi, Dipinti del secolo XIX, Arredi, Oggetti d’Arte e Libri Antichi (sale n. MI0311)

Amsterdam, 30 november 2010,Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1093)

London, 8 december 2010, Old Master & British Paintings I Evening Sale (sale n. 10036)

London, 9 december 2010, Old Master & British Paintings I Day Sale (sale n. 10037)



New York, 26 january 2011, Important Old Master and 19th Century Paintings, Collection of J.E. Safra (sale n. N08759)

New York, 27 january 2011, Important Old Master Paintings  (sale n. N08712)

New York, 27 january 2011, Important Old Master Paintings and Sculptures (sale n. N08712)

London,14 april 2011, Old Master & British Paintings (sale n. L11030)

Amsterdam, 10 may 2011, Old Master Paintings (sale n. AM1098)

New York, 9 june 2011, Old Master Paintings (sale n. N08760)

Milano, 14-15 Giugno 2011, Dipinti Antichi, Dipinti del secolo XIX, Libri Antichi, Arredi, Giade, Oggetti d’Arte e la Collezione del Marchese Nicola Santangelo (sale n. MI0314)

Paris, 23 june 2011, Tableaux et DessinAnciens et du XIX Siecle (sale n. PF1109)

Paris, 27 june 2011, Tableaux et DessinAnciens et du XIX Siecle (sale n. PF1309)

London,  6-7 july 2011, Old Master Paintings from the Collection of Sam and Lily Nijstad (sale n. L11033, n. L11034)

London, 27 October 2011, Old Master & British Paintings (sale n. L11035)



London, 2 may 2012, n.12030, Old Master &Early British Paintings   (sale n. 12030)

Paris, 21 june 2012, Tableaux et DessinAnciens et du XIX Siecle  (sale n. PF1209)



London, 10 april 2013, Old Master & British Paintings (sale n. L13030)



London, 10 july 2014, Old Master and British Paintings Day Sale (S.N)



New York,  24.30 january 2015, Master Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture